Ceceily Brickley
MPA’17, Public Management
What was your reaction to being nominated and ultimately getting the news that you had won the Plater Medallion?
I was initially a little shocked but ultimately honored to be nominated for the Plater Medallion. We never really know the extent of our influence or who’s watching and this award has affirmed a lot of the work I have done and motivated me to continue pushing forward.
Can you tell us a little about the work you’ve done that led to this award?
I originally moved to Indianapolis to serve as an AmeriCorps VISTA with the Marion County Commission on Youth and have been engaged in the community since. I serve as Vice President of the Neal Marshall Alumni Association, as a Leadership Fellow with the Indianapolis Urban League, I served as Graduate Program Director for the IUPUI chapter for College Mentors for Kids and have served regularly in several shelters throughout Indianapolis – teaching life skills, working with children and helping residents to develop resumes and overall job readiness.
Who or what inspired your service-oriented mindset?
My faith, my family and life experiences have all shaped my service-oriented mindset. Service is a part of who I am and I am intentional about integrating service into every element of my life. One of my favorite quotes is “if you get give, if you learn teach” – Maya Angelou – if it weren’t for everyone who has poured into me, I would not be where I am.
What has been your favorite part about studying at SPEA?
There are so many opportunities to get involved through SPEA. Regardless of what level we are in our career, what year we are in school, or which specific program we are a part of, SPEA wraps around its students and makes sure if a student wants to get involved there is a place for them.
What’s next for you after graduation?
I am currently a Program Officer with United Way of Central Indiana – I work specifically with the Great Families 2020 initiative and will continue to do so. I will continue to put what I have learned into practice and advocate for SPEA along the way.