By Nikki Livingston
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The O’Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs provides opportunities for students from across Indiana University Indianapolis to gain real-world experience while making a difference. One of those experiences involves working as student research assistants at the IU Public Policy Institute where students help improve the lives of individuals and provide analysis on public policy issues.
PPI conducts data-driven applied research and analysis, and provides guidance that is objective, insightful, and nonpartisan. Student research assistants help with that work by supporting research projects throughout the academic year.
The most recent student-authored policy briefs were part of PPI’s Decision 2024 campaign. The topics of the student briefs were determined by recent proposals in the Indiana General Assembly and shared insights on how to tackle homelessness, address food insecurity, and identify the barriers to student success for LGBTQ+ youth.
“Allowing student researchers to pursue their own areas of interest provides a great opportunity for them to expand their skillsets, learn new ones or possibly further their research interest,” PPI Program Analyst Elizabeth Thuranira said. Thuranira and others at PPI helped oversee the student projects.